Monday, June 4, 2007


My son has been so sick the last four days. Today he is finally well enough to go to school. I can always tell when my kids get better because they get antsy and wild after being cooped up so long.

Been a long time since I posted. I never thought I would be so busy or at least so absent-minded. Also, I keep forgetting my username and password. Oh well.

I can hardly believe that school is almost over. The kids only have about 3 1/2 weeks until vacation. Then the family goes on vacation.

I'm excited that the kids and I are going to visit my grand parents for three whole weeks this summer. I just bought a ticket for my mother to fly there for one of the weeks. I'll get to see my mom's parents, my mom, my sister and probably my aunt. That is very unusual. I don't get to see my family very often so this is special.

I want my kids to get to know my grandparents before they die. My grandparents have had a profound influence in my life. I made the mistake of not getting my kids to see my grandma J. For a year the thought kept nagging at me to get the kids to meet her. I never did and now she is dead. She died last April. I feel so profoundly sad that my kids will never know her in this life.

This grandma J. was such a mainstay in my life. From the time I was born up until a couple of years before she died this grandma sent me a card and money for Christmas and my birthday. No matter how bad things got I began and ended the year on a bright note with her card. I miss those cards.

Life has been pretty good. I'm trying very hard to be productive each day. Slacked off while my son was sick. Trying to get back into the swing of things.

Saturday I hired a professional organizer for $225 for 3 hours. I'm disappointed. The most she did was help to actually sort through the kids room a bit. She really didn't have any new ideas. In fact, she was amazed by how well I had already organized things. Oh well, live and learn.

lots to do.

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