Monday, November 10, 2008

1 year left

I just read this book called Deadline. The 18 year-old in the story finds out he only has a year left to live. He opts for no treatment since he would only have a small chance of a remission for a small period of time. He also decides not to tell anyone so he can have a "normal" year. Ben, the boy, chooses to do all the things he was too scared to do like go out for football (even though he is very small for his age); ask out the out-of-his-league girl; and stand up for truth in his government class.

My question to you is: What would you do with your last year of life and would you tell anybody you were dying?

The question intrigues me.

I don't think I would take treatment either. As far as telling people, I'm not sure. I might not tell right away to have a few months of normalcy.

What would I do?...I would definitely want to visit all my family to say good-bye and I love you. Hopefully, I'd get to say good-bye to friends as well.
I think I would try to meet and take a class from my favorite artists. Maybe travel to England.

What things am I too scared to do now? What would I do if I had nothing to lose like Ben?

The thought just occurred to me. Why do anything at all? Why grasp at straws so to speak? Do I cram a life into one year or just take it easy? I don't know.

Something to think about.

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