Thursday, February 21, 2008


I think I have an ear infection. My ear and jaw hurt so bad on the left side of my head. I should have expected it. In hindsight the symptoms where all there. My ear itching, dizziness, a little nausea. Sometimes when I get ear infections it causes really bad vertigo. Hopefully, that won't happen this time.

All I did today was lie down, read, and help the kids with their many moments of need. Not very productive but I did finish the book. It is called So you want to be a Wizard by Diane Duane. I loved it. Can't wait to check out the next one in the series.

I do feel good about how I handled Jane's rage today. At first we were heading down the same worn path of reactions but then all of a sudden these words came out of my mouth. "If you keep throwing things you are going to feel bad inside." Well, that was different in our interaction pattern. She paused a moment before screaming no she would feel good. I asked her as she was throwing another thing against the wall if that felt good and she said yes. But, she was in tears and I could hear the agony in her voice. I asked her if she wanted a hug and kiss and she said yes. I held her and kissed her for a little while. Then miraculously she quietly went to bed. As I was holding her the thought came to my mind that only tenderness will work with Jane. Harshness just fuels the raging fire. Help me to remember this and to be calm next time, God.

I'm tired. I hope I feel better tomorrow.

Hi Kaci-
I hope you feel better tomorrow, too. I was so happy to find your blog.
me too! i miss you kaci! i hope that you are on the mend soon. it is so hard to be a mom and not feel well! i am very impressed by your awesome insights into parenting...i love it! i will have to ALSO remember that! i love that you have a blog! keep makes you feel closer somehow! i love you!
ummm hello??? you have a BLOG? and I see myself listed on the side (I linked to you from Lara!). I love blogging, and am so happy that I stumbled on you. I've been sad we lost touch, and I think about you every now and again and wonder how you are! now I'll know! let's keep in better touch!
Hi guys,
I've miss you too. I was so surprised to see your comments. You are just what I needed to help me through this rough spot. Are any of you heading my way in the near future? Love to have you stop by and visit.

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