Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I survived my eye surgery. The actual surgery was a breeze. Coming home and the next few days afterward were pure hell. Carlos was very angry with the kids and I got the blast. The kids have been awful. Friday, the day after the surgery we had to get up early to see my eye surgeon at 7am. Carlos was not very happy about this because he had to take me and because it was so early we had to take the kids. On the way home both kids threw up in the taxi. So...the kids stayed home from school that day. So instead of recooperating I was dealing with misbehaving children. Saturday was a little better. I got to sleep in. Carlos was still grumpy. I was very stressed and tired and still couldn't see very well. Sunday was much better. We went to church and for two blessed hours I had no children. After church Carlos appologized for being grumpy with me. I've decided that kindness and sincere appologies are two of the things that make me very happy. It was so nice to feel like he was back on my side again.

Basically, my recovery is slow but steady. The swelling has gone done a great deal. Only the inner corners of my eyes are red. I still look a little like Anakin Skywalker going evil.

Monday we had a meeting with the social worker about Jane. It took 1 1/2 hours. Luckily he is very nice and explains things well. There are going to do the testing. I thought the letter I wrote and signed a few weeks ago would start the testing. Guess not. We had to sign another form. Then we stated our concerns and gave a social history of Jane. In describing jane I realized that in many ways I was describing me too. However, I don't hit kids at recess in frustration. The social worker said about 6 weeks or more before we have a meeting to discuss the results. It has been 10 years since I worked in the school system. I forgot how slow, grinding and frustrating the system is.

Kids were very difficult today. Jane had one of her freak outs on the way from school to the library. She was Screaming and blocking my path because she wanted me to hold her. She weighs nearly 50lbs and the library bag was another 30. No way. When we finally got to the library she refused to go in. So I let her stay outside the door (it was glass so I could see her) while I stood in the vestabule. I needed to watch Ethan too. New Yorkers are very outspoken about child care. Every woman that passed through the door I had to explain it was my child and that she was having a tantrum. Eventually I convinced her to come in. The rest of my day with the kids was just more tantrums, fighting, destroying, uncooperation, etc...I am so sick of kids. I just groan inside when I think that this Friday I have to do Cub Scouts.

I went to a jewelry party tonight and bought a ring. It came to about $33. I hope I wear it. I'm so rough with jewelry and if it bothers me in the least it comes off. I have a few beautiful pieces that I inherited from my grandmother who died a couple of years ago. The are really pretty but completely impractical. But, because they are pretty and I'm sentimental about them I can't let them go.

Are there things that you have trouble letting go?

I'm sorry about the kids. They're frustrating at times; that's for sure. I'm glad you are recovering from the surgery. And to answer your question, no, I don't have trouble letting go. But you know my mom so you know where I get that. :)
thanks for the update on the surgery; i've been thinking of you. when pat got home on tuesday, i told him i was done with kids for that day - they were driving me so crazy - and i'm not recovering from eye surgery! both pat and i are wondering if grace could possibly be at a "pre-puberty" stage.

sorry for the wait for the testing with jane; i sincerely hope this path starts to help you find some resolution for janie. i'll keep her in my prayers.

um, and yes, hello, obviously i have trouble parting with things. you've seen my house! believe it or not, i am slightly better due to tice's influence.
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