Sunday, April 27, 2008


I've been here in the city for almost 2 years now without any famous people sightings. Until today. Today in church the guy that played Napoleon Dynamite (Jon Heder) was in attendance. I didn't even recognize him and I was standing about 3 feet away. I remember thinking he looked vaguely familiar but I had no idea from where and I certainly never imagined it could be someone famous. Tonight Carlos said he was in church and that I was standing only a few feet away. He was posing with people for photos. I had my phone camera with me too. Shucks!

Awhile back Carlos saw David Duchovny (they stood side by side on a corner on Madison Ave.)and the guy that played Lennie on Lavern & Shirley (Carlos passed him on 9th Ave). Carlos also did a show with Peter, Paul and Mary and Rosie O'Donnell. He also sang with Andrea Botcelli and Susan Lucci shook Carlos' hand.

Rent went up another $225. I find it so irritating. I feel like we basically throw Carlos' paycheck in the garbage can. We have nothing to show for it. If you are wondering how much rent we will be paying starting in July it's $2675 for less than 500 square feet of space.

We had an explosion of very bad behavior today. I was blown away by how ornery, rude and flat out contemptuous the kids have become.

Well, my fear has come true. The current cub scout leader has been called to a new calling. Luckily, I think I'm still assistant and someone else is leader. Pray for me.

I was asked by the head of the enrichment committee to come up with a cutesy craft idea that the sisters could make for visiting teaching to bring to less active sisters or hard-to-connect-with sisters. She wanted it to have a scripture, a quote, and a thing (object lesson, like giving a grand candy bar and saying someone is grand, that sort of thing) and have the theme of giving Christ centered lesson each time instead of just fluff. I have until next Tues. Plus the "thing" has to be cheap. Tall order. At last I get to empty my scrap cabinet in the process. I've gone beyond excess in this department. I'm going through the process of emptying out everything the sisters can use for the craft project. It feels so good to declutter and serve others with my "wealth".

Carlos has had an upper respiratory infection for over week. I finally convinced him yesterday to go to the emergency room. He got some antibiotics. This is how wonderful my hubbie is. He took the kids with him to the emergency room. If you've ever been to the emergency room it is nothing like it is portrayed on TV. You sit and wait for hours. He did this because when he came back from his trip on Thurs. I said I wanted Sat off. The kids have been on spring break this week and I've been going crazy. He said yes and he kept his word. What a stellar husband. And the kids go back to school tomorrow. Yeah!!!!!!

The elders quorum president did an interesting thing today. He had the Relief Society pres. pass out a piece of paper so that all the sisters could write down what they want the priesthood men to do to treat them well. He is going to give the lesson next Sunday. I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that one. By the time the list got to me (I was about 3 rows back, near the front) there were already about 17 responses. There was still about thirty women to go. I'll let you know how it goes next week.

Two happy events are happening this Sat. The first is Jane has been invited to her first birthday party for her friend Nathan. You have to understand that here a birthday party can be as extravagant and costly as a wedding. It is the height of fashion to be invited to one of these parties. (What do you give for a gift?) The second happy event is that Carlos' last concert of the season is this Sat. No more practices every Tuesday night plus numerous other nights. No being gone for hours on Sat. and Sun. for the actual concert. I'm happy for him getting to follow his dream but I must admit that it is huge sacrifice for the rest of us.

That's all for now. Go well.

Glad you're back to was fun to see Napolean right!?

I can't wait to see your hair...did you go to Jean Louis?
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