Friday, November 21, 2008
Tice, where are you living now? Is it cold were you guys are? The last couple of weeks have been freezing.
Try putting up a 14 foot trampoline in freezing weather. The fingers get awfully numb. My trampoline assembly was quite a bit of a laugh. Carlos and I took down the net posts 3 times and still the net is crooked. I'm not undoing and redoing 72 springs. I could barely do them the first time. In fact, if Lizzy's friend Thomas hadn't helped we'd still be attaching springs. The whole thing took over a week to do. We had about 3 days of rain. Then Liz left but Thomas didn't (a long story) and so I did as much as I could by myself. I had to wait until this past Wed. so Carlos would be home to help. I actually like assembling most things. The directions were ridiculous.
I just made cookies tonight. We have an enrichment tomorrow and we are suppose to bring 3 dozen cookies to exchange. Let me just preface by saying I'm not a baker. I have a recipe that makes 112 cookies. About half way through I realized I don't have a bowl that is even close to being big enough. I called my landlady next door to see if she had a bowl big enough. She asked me why I didn't make two batches. Uhhhh, cause I didn't think of it? Luckily she had a huge bowl she let me borrow. I finished making the required number of cookies and froze the rest of the dough. The dough was too dry so they crumbled when I tried to put them on the pan. We have a new oven because the old broke (very long story) and it's temperature is off. The outside burns and the inside is raw. Now I remember why I hate to bake.
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whoa, the house looks beautiful and big. kind of jealous.
anyhoo, sorry it's taken me a while to comment even though i have been reading your posts. i would love to see those layouts; you always do such a beautiful job. can you email permission? (
i know someone else who loves the dog whisperer and doesn't have a dog too - (she tried some tactics on my dog). i don't have cable, but i would like to see him someday and learn some tips.
good luck with the ward dinner. that's one thing i hope never to do; (at least it's not cub scouts, right?). kudos to you in assembling a trampoline in the cold. i would've just waited for summer.
hope you continue to settle in well and glad you survived the move. (i hate moving; so glad i haven't had to do it for 7+ years).
oh, and tice still lives by me. (yeah!)
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anyhoo, sorry it's taken me a while to comment even though i have been reading your posts. i would love to see those layouts; you always do such a beautiful job. can you email permission? (
i know someone else who loves the dog whisperer and doesn't have a dog too - (she tried some tactics on my dog). i don't have cable, but i would like to see him someday and learn some tips.
good luck with the ward dinner. that's one thing i hope never to do; (at least it's not cub scouts, right?). kudos to you in assembling a trampoline in the cold. i would've just waited for summer.
hope you continue to settle in well and glad you survived the move. (i hate moving; so glad i haven't had to do it for 7+ years).
oh, and tice still lives by me. (yeah!)
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